The 1% - Fox16 News
In the dark world of human trafficking, only a fraction of survivors manage to escape and rebuild their lives. These are stories of incredible resilience, strength, and hope. Fox 16 News Anchor Kevin Kelly highlights the world of the actual 1 percent who make it out of sex trafficking including our founder and CEO, Kathy Bryan.
Operation HOPE
Once again law enforcement and our partners across the state came together to provide services and care to victims of human trafficking during this operation in Hot Springs, AR.
These operations are very covert, so rarely do we have media or non-personnel involved. This time, however, Kevin Kelly with KLRT Fox 16 got a view from the headquarters to give Arkansans a small look inside our response to human trafficking. It is important to note, at no time was anyone other than personnel onsite, near, or involved with the operation or the victims. Click to view Kevin’s news story.
Operation HART
We are continually privileged to collaborate with our law enforcement and community partners, offering trauma-focused support and services to victims encountered during law enforcement activities. Click here to learn more about our latest operation.
Operation Awakening
We're always honored to work with our law enforcement and community partners to provide trauma-centered response and services to victims encountered during law enforcement operations. Click to read more about this recent operation.
The Authentic Sound of Freedom
The authentic sound of freedom is heard every time a survivor becomes self-sufficient, earning a sustainable wage, and literally dances in the tears of joy that flow when they get to finish their education or achieve a hard-won dream.
“My story can change things.”
As a judge in a state that continues to allow children to be charged with prostitution--conduct that is synonymous with their trafficking victimization--Judge Porter's ruling cemented the victim-blaming beliefs that have undermined efforts to protect rather than punish child sex trafficking victims in Iowa.